1. Gaius Julius Caesar, Dictator of the Roman Republic, stabbed to death by Roman senators, 44 BC
  2. Albrecht von Wallenstein, general, run through with a halberd by Walter Devereux, 1634
  3. Alcibiades, general, killed in a shower of arrows, 404 BC
  4. Moctezuma II, Tlatoani of Tenochtitlan, stoned or stabbed by his people or the Spanish, 1520
  5. Olof Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden, shot in the street after seeing a movie, 1986
  6. Jean-Paul Marat, physician and writer, stabbed in his bath by Charlotte Corday, 1793
  7. Mohandas Gandhi, Indian independence leader, shot three times by Nathuram Godse, 1948
  8. Grigori Rasputin, mystic and royal advisor, poisoned and shot by nobles in the basement of Yusupov Palace, 1916
  9. Sennacherib, King of Assyria, crushed under a stone lamassu by his sons, 681 BC
  10. Zengi, Atabeg of Mosul and Aleppo, killed in his sleep by his Frankish slave Yarankash, 1146
  11. Philip II of Macedon, general, killed by his bodyguard Pausanias of Orestis, 336 BC
  12. Sakamoto Ryōma, samurai, killed in an inn, 1867
  13. Snorri Sturlson, poet and historian, struck down by Arni the Bitter, 1241
  14. Tiberius Gracchus, tribune, beaten to death by Roman senators, 133 BC
  15. William I, Prince of Orange, shot in the chest by Balthasar Gérard, 1557
  16. Gustav III, King of Sweden, shot at a masquerade by Jacob Johan Anckarström, 1792
  17. Inejiro Asanuma, Chair of the Japan Socialist Party, run through with a wakizashi by Otoya Yamaguchi during a televised debate, 1960
  18. Thomas à Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, cut down by four knights in Canterbury Cathedral, 1170
  19. James Stewart, 1st Earl of Moray, shot from above by James Hamilton, 1570
  20. Alexander Litvinenko, intelligence officer, poisoned by radioactive polonium-210, 2006
  21. Herberts Cukurs, pilot and commando, shot in Uruguay by Mossad agents, 1965
  22. Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Emperor of Haiti, killed by his own men, 1806
  23. Hendrik Verwoerd, Prime Minister of South Africa, stabbed in the neck by Dimitri Tsafendas, 1966
  24. Qutuz, Sultan of Egypt, killed by three emirs in Salihiyah, 1260
  25. Danilo I, Prince of Montenegro, shot by Todor Kadić while boarding a ship, 1860
  26. Ankō, Emperor of Japan, assassinated as retaliation by Mayowa no Ōkimi, 546
  27. Ōkubo Toshimichi, samurai, set upon and killed by Shimada Ichirō and six other samurai, 1878
  28. João Maria Ferreira do Amaral, Governor of Macau, knocked from his horse and decapitated by seven men, 1849
  29. Anna Mae Aquash, activist, shot execution-style in South Dakota, 1976
  30. Ruth First, journalist, killed by a letter bomb on the orders of Craig Williamson, 1978
  31. Félix-Roland Moumié, leader of Union of the People of Cameroon, poisoned by the French secret services, 1960
  32. Michael Collins, Chairman of the Irish Provisional Government, ambushed and shot by Sonny O'Neill, 1922
  33. Helmin Wiels, leader of Pueblo Soberano, shot while drinking beer on the beach, 2013
  34. Wu Yuanheng, chancellor, decapitated by Zhang Yan and others, 815
  35. Hitoshi Igarashi, scholar, stabbed to death after translating The Satanic Verses, 1991
  36. Sanjaasürengiin Zorig, Mongolian member of parliament, stabbed 16 times by men who stole vinegar, 1998
  37. Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, shot in Ford's Theater by John Wilkes Booth, 1865
  38. Habibullah Khan, Emir of Afghanistan, killed on a hunting trip, 1919
  39. Nader Shah, Shah of Iran, stabbed by his captain of guards Salah Bey, 1747
  40. Li Shiming, Communist Party Chief of Xiashuixi Village, stabbed during a meeting by Zhang Xuping, 2008
  41. René Schneider Chereau, general, shot in Santiago, 1970
  42. George Tiller, physician, shot in his church by Scott Roeder, 2009
  43. Huey P. Newton, shot in West Oakland by Tyrone Robinson, 1989
  44. Hadi Saleh, International Secretary of the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions, tortured and killed in his home, 2005
  45. Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg, diplomat, shot in his car by the Stern Gang, 1948
  46. José María Reina Barrios, President of Guatemala, killed by Edgar Zollinger, 1898
  47. Martin Luther King, Jr., minister and activist, killed at a hotel in Memphis by James Earl Ray, 1968
  48. Bunseo, King of Baekje, poisoned by the agents of a Chinese governor, 304
  49. Luis Donaldo Colosio, economist and presidential candidate, shot at close range by Mario Aburto Martinez, 1994
  50. Quinim Pholsena, Foreign Minister of Laos, shot with a submachine gun by Chy Kong, 1963
  51. Fernando Manuel de Bustillo Bustamante y Rueda, killed by a mob of Dominican friars, 1719
  52. Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan, killed in a hail of gunfire and an explosion, 2007
  53. Marcus Aurelius Mausaeus Valerius Carausius, Emperor of Britain and Northern Gaul, killed by his treasurer Alectus, 296
  54. Antiochus II Theos, King of the Seleucid Empire, poisoned by his repudiated wife Laodice I, 246 BC
  55. Medgar Evers, activist, shot in his driveway by Byron De La Beckwith, 1963
  56. Abdullah I bin al-Hussein, King of Jordan, shot during Friday prayers by Mustafa Ashi, 1951
  57. Gegeen Khan, Emperor of China, killed by Tegshi and his Asud Guards, 1323
  58. Rehavam Ze'evi, general and member of the Knesset, shot in the Jerusalem Hyatt by four men, 2001
  59. Abu Ali al-Hasan al-Tusi, Vizier of the Seljuk Empire, stabbed by a Hashshashin disguised as a dervish, 1092
  60. Miles of Plancy, seneschal of Jerusalem, killed by the Brisebarre brothers in Acre, 1174
  61. Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire, stabbed by a dervish, 1579
  62. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, Consul of the Roman Republic, stabbed on the beach by Achillas, Septimius and Salvius, 48 BC
  63. N'Garta Tombalbaye, President of Chad, killed by a group of soldiers, 1975
  64. Xerxes I, King of Persia, killed by his bodyguard Artabanus with the help of the eunuch Aspamitres, 465 BC
  65. Conrad of Montferrat, King of Jerusalem, stabbed by Hashashin while walking home from dinner, 1192
  66. Haj Ali Razmara, Prime Minister of Iran, shot in a mosque, 1951
  67. Abdi Shakur Sheikh Hassan Farah, Somalian Minister of Interior Affairs and National Security, killed in a suicide bomb by his teenaged niece Haboon Abdulkadir Hersi Qaaf, 2011
  68. Myeongseong, Empress of Korea, attacked and killed by men under Miura Gorō, 1895
  69. Dorothy Stang, nun, shot by two men, 2005
  70. Anwar al-Awlaki, imam, killed by a Hellfire missile in a drone strike ordered by Barack Obama, 2011
  71. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, shot by two of her bodyguards, 1984
  72. Marien Ngouabi, President of the Republic of the Congo, killed in a suicidal attack, 1977
  73. Shaka kaSenzangakhona, King of the Zulu, beaten to death by his half-brothers, 1828
  74. Mohamed Boudiaf, Chairman of the Algerian High Council of State, shot while speaking by Lambarek Boumaarafi, 1992
  75. Harvey Milk, member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, shot by Dan White in City Hall, 1978
  76. Giuliano de' Medici, Florentine noble, stabbed 19 times in the Duomo of Florence, 1478
  77. Raymond II, Count of Tripoli, killed by the Hashshashin at the gates of Tripoli, 1152
  78. Hugh II of Le Puiset, Count of Jaffa, attacked by a Breton knight in Jerusalem while playing dice, 1134
  79. Zelmar Michelini, journalist and senator, abducted, tortured and shot, 1976
  80. Chris Hani, leader of the South African Communist Party, shot by Janusz Waluś, 1993
  81. William McKinley, President of the United States, shot in the stomach by Leon Czolgosz, 1901
  82. Ieu Koeus, Prime Minister of Cambodia, killed by a grenade, 1950
  83. Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, shot by Yigal Amir in Kings of Israel Square, 1995
  84. Hiempsal I, King of Numidia, killed on the orders of his cousin Jugurtha, ca. 117 BC
  85. Umberto I, King of Italy, shot four times in Monsa by Gaetano Bresci, 1900
  86. Carlos Cardoso, journalist, shot by men paid by Nyimpine Chissano, 2000
  87. Rafael Trujillo, President of the Dominican Republic, ambushed in his Bel Air by Juan Tomás Díaz and others, 1961
  88. Laurent-Désiré Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, shot in his office by Rashidi Muzele, 2001
  89. Mohammad Najibullah, President of Afghanistan, castrated and dragged to death through the streets of Kabul, 1996
  90. Robert F. Kennedy, attorney general and senator, shot in the kitchen of the Mabassador Hotel by Sirhan Sirhan, 1968
  91. Ali ibn Abi Talib, Caliph of Islam, cut with a poison-coated sword by Khawarij Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam, 661
  92. Alan Berg, lawyer and radio host, shot in his driveway by members of The Order, 1984
  93. David Hennessy, Chief of New Orleans Police, killed by mafiosos, 1858
  94. Malcolm X, minister and activist, shot by three members of the Nation of Islam while on stage in Manhattan, 1965
  95. Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, shot waiting for a taxi, 1949
  96. Song Jiaoren, President of Kuomintang, shot at the train station in Shanghai by Ying Kuicheng, 1913
  97. James A. Garfield, President of the United States, shot twice by Charles Guiteau, 1881
  98. George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, shot in a laundromat by John Patler, 1967
  99. Leo Ryan, congressman, shot on the Kaituma airstrip by Larry Layton and the Peoples Temple, 1978
  100. Antonio Guiteras y Holmes, Cuban Minister of the Interior, killed in Matanzas, 1935
  101. Tabinshwehti, King of Burma, decapitated on a hunting trip, 1550
  102. Yahya Ayyash, bomb maker, killed by an explosive-rigged cell phone given to a friend by Shin Bet, 1995
  103. Pierre Laporte, Deputy Premier of Quebec, killed by the Chénier Cell, 1970
  104. Radama II, King of Madagascar, strangled with a silk sash by officers of the military, 1863
  105. Leon Trotsky, founder of the Red Army, cut with an ice axe by Ramón Mercader, 1940
  106. Khalil Jalil Hamza, Governor of Al-Qādisiyyah Province, killed in a roadside bomb attack, 2007
  107. John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, shot from a distance by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
  108. Carlo Tresca, Leader of the Industrial Workers of the World, killed by the mafia or the NKVD while crossing Fifth Avenue, 1943
  109. Richard Sharples, Governor of Bermuda, shot with his dog by Erskine "Buck" Burrows, 1972
  110. Anton Lubowski, lawyer, killed by the Civil Cooperation Bureau, 1989
  111. Rail Rzayev, Commander of the Azerbaijani Air Force, killed outside his home, 2009
  112. Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, killed by a bomb planted in his boat by Thomas McMahon, 1979
  113. Thomas D'Arcy McGee, Canadian member of parliament, killed by Patrick J. Whelan on the threshold of his boarding house, 1868
  114. Boutros Ghali, Prime Minister of Egypt, shot by Ibrahim Nassif al-Wardani, 1910
  115. Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, rabbi, shot in Ofra by Force 17, 2000
  116. Harith al-Obeidi, member of the Iraqi Parliament, shot twice in a mosque by Ahmad Jassem Ibrahim, 2009
  117. Pemulwuy, Aboriginal Australian resistance leader, shot and killed by Henry Hacking, 1802
  118. Jaime Hurtado González, deputy in the Ecuadorian parliament, shot near government buildings, 1999
  119. Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Colombian Minister of Justice, shot from a motorcycle by Ivan Dario Guisado, 1984