Content, Ranked

20. “If a Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating”
16. “Saving Us From Ourselves: The Anti-Clickbait Movement”
15. “A letter from death row backfires on Gawker (UPDATED)”
13. “A Second Look At The Giant Garbage Pile That Is Online Media, 2014”
12. “Life Sentences: The Grammar of Clickbait!”
11. “The Internet Catches a Viral Epidemic”
9. “Risks Abound as Reporters Play in Traffic”
8. “Why Are Upworthy Headlines Suddenly Everywhere?”
7. “For Deadspin, racetrack death video brings traffic bonanza”
6. “Forget click-bait. We’re living in the world of share-bait now.”
5. “Once we had comment. Now we have clickbait”
4. “The existential question at the heart of Upworthy: Is viral clickbait okay if it brings attention to something worthwhile?”
2. “You Can’t Not Click: Weighing the Pros & Cons of Clickbait”