The Jump Scares of Ouija, Ranked

Ouija, this year's studio horror flick timed for Halloween, is not a scary movie. In fact, its scares almost only come in the form of jump scares—fake outs that are generally accompanied by a loud banging to make you flinch. Relying on these cinematic jack-in-the-boxes is bad filmmaking. Ouija is a bad film. Below, Ouija's jump scares are ranked.
16. A little girl's sister
13. The slamming back door of a restaurant
12. The slamming front door of a house
11. A hard knock on the door of a bedroom
10. A woman jogging in spandex
9. A woman running while screaming
8. A shopping cart full of rusty cans
7. A swiftly moving Ouija™ brand planchette
6. A woman swiftly being pulled into a vent or very small crawlspace
5. A burner turning on
4. A hand smearing frost in the inside of a car window
3. A leg stepping from behind a beam
1. A kid with her lips sewn shut