The Worst 100 White Men, Ranked

100. Joseph Gordon Levitt
99. Arnold Schwarzenegger
98. Frank Sinatra
97. Matt Lauer
96. Mick Jagger
95. Jackson Pollock
94. Rod Blagojevich
93. David Denby
92. Bill de Blasio
91. Paul Gauguin
90. Billy Corgan
89. William Gladstone
88. Dick Cheney
87. Jimmy Kimmel
86. David Byrne
85. Francois Hollande
84. Mr. Big
82. Dr. Phil
81. Jon Stewart
80. Tom Daschle
79. Justin Timberlake
78. Jack Spade
77. Gordon Brown
76. Al Gore
75. Nate Silver
74. Jeff Koons
73. Jim Morrison
72. John Updike
70. David Foster Wallace
69. Ted Hughes
68. Mark Wahlberg
67. Ernest Hemingway
66. Benny, formerly known as BuzzFeeD Benny
65. Jonathan Franzen/his birds
63. Bob Woodward
61. Jason Segel
60. Allison Williams as Peter Pan
58. Paul Rudd
57. Vladimir Nabokov
56. Alec Baldwin
55. Ezra Klein
54. Harper's
53. Larry Summers
52. Le Corbusier
51. GQ
50. Andy Murray
49. Gavin McInnes
48. Hugo Lindgren
47. Roman Polanski
46. Mark Sanford
45. Mark Zuckerberg
44. Twitter
43. John Dryden
42. J.D. Salinger
41. Marc Andreessen
40. Dax Shepard
39. The World Cup
38. Norman Mailer
37. Spiro Agnew
36. Police man
35. Thurston Moore
34. Thomas Piketty
33. Aaron Sorkin
32. Bill Simmons
31. The Wire
30. Andrew WK
29. Tom Brady
28. F. Scott Fitzgerald
27. The Financial Times
26. Moby
25. Desert boots
24. Whit Stillman
23. Niall Ferguson
21. Joseph Goebbels
20. Andy Borowitz
19. John McCain
18. Christopher Hitchens
17. iPhone
16. Philip Roth
15. Judd Apatow
14. Galileo
13. John Lennon
12. Joel Johnson
11. [Redacted]
10. Judas from the Bible
9. Wes Anderson
8. Andrew Cuomo
7. Dylan Byers
6. Thomas Jefferson
5. Jack Kerouac
3. Joe Paterno
2. Bob Dylan
1. Woody Allen
[Missing portraits of Thomas Jefferson via AP]