Words the New York Times Used to Describe Black Women, Ranked

A writer wrote a thing about black women. It is bad. Very bad. Do not read this article. It will make your face do that thing where your eyebrows pinch together and your left eye starts twitching uncontrollably. Below are the keywords from this article, ranked from Bad to The Fuck You Say About Me?!
15. Bossy
14. Sharp-tongued
13. Sexual
12. Intimidating
11. Angry
10. Volcanic (used to describe the type of "meltdown" black women have)
9. Dark-skinned
8. Flawed (as in "extravagantly flawed")
7. Menacing
6. Potent (as in "potent libidos")
5. Highhanded
4. Less (as in "less classically beautiful")
3. Haughty
2. Sassy
1. Kooky (but only "slightly")